
Unvaccinated couple dies weeks before their wedding day

Unvaccinated couple dies weeks before their wedding day

they were together for years, luis Suarez and norma franco, we're finally going to make it official just after thanksgiving, they were to be married. But COVID-19 had other plans instead of a wedding. Family members are now planning a memorial service after both died last month. It was the soul mate. I'm gonna be honest with you. I felt the way they, the way they loved each other. Angel santos says Suarez and franco were not vaccinated, but we're planning to get the shot soon so they could visit with family at their wedding just before they could get it. However, it was too late. Both came down with the virus and both were hospitalized. Family members are speaking out now in the hope that their story will convince others to get vaccinated. They don't worry about the side effects, side effects about losing a family member that way. It's terrible. That's, that's what will happen if you guys don't get vaccinated. Suarez grew up in Puerto rico in Chicago. He was a talented baseball player and later worked as an usher for the white sox because he and normal, we're not married yet. Once they got sick, they were separated in the hospital and unable to get information or even communicate with each other. Both were eventually put on life support. They died one week apart. It feels like a Romeo and Juliet story. It really does because this whole, you know, I feel like they were meant to be this whole time, right when it's supposed to happen. Something tragic like this happens

Unvaccinated couple dies weeks before their wedding day

Together for years, Luis Suarez and Norma Franco were planning to get married just after Thanksgiving.But instead of a wedding, family members are now planning a memorial service after they both died last month.The couple was not vaccinated but had plans to so they could visit with family at their wedding, loved ones said.But they both contracted COVID-19 before getting it.And because they weren't yet married, once Suarez and Franco got sick, they were separated after being hospitalized and unable to get information or even communicate with each other.Family members are now speaking out in the hope that their story will convince others to get vaccinated.Watch the video above to learn more about this story.

Together for years, Luis Suarez and Norma Franco were planning to get married just after Thanksgiving.

But instead of a wedding, family members are now planning a memorial service after they both died last month.

The couple was not vaccinated but had plans to so they could visit with family at their wedding, loved ones said.

But they both contracted COVID-19 before getting it.

And because they weren't yet married, once Suarez and Franco got sick, they were separated after being hospitalized and unable to get information or even communicate with each other.

Family members are now speaking out in the hope that their story will convince others to get vaccinated.

Watch the video above to learn more about this story.

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