If you live in Ohio, you have an election Tuesday.
On the ballot: Who will run your local school boards, cities, villages, and townships. There's also the usual assortment of tax levies and issues.
Voting basics
Polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Click here to find your polling place.
What's the forecast
Good voting weather: Mostly dry with highs around 50, .
Is it too late to register to vote?
Yes. Ohio's registration deadline for the general election was Oct. 4. You can check whether you are registered to vote at VoteOhio.gov.
Can I still vote early?
The last chance to vote in person before Election Day is from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday at your county's early voting center. You can find your county's early vote center at VoteOhio.gov.
What's on the ballot
Cincinnati mayor and council, suburban township trustees, school boards, village and city races, and tax levies, among other things.
Where to get more information
The Enquirer has a free and easy-to-use voter guide. Just type in your address and see your local candidates and issues. This year the guide is limited to the largest cities, townships and school boards in the region.
What type of ID do I need?
Your name and current address must match your voter registration record.
Acceptable PHOTO ID:
Ohio Driver License/Ohio State ID/Ohio Interim Documentation (must show your name, current or former address and valid date)
Ohio or U.S. government photo ID (must show your name, current address and valid date)
Ohio concealed weapons ID (must show your name, current address and valid date)
Acceptable DOCUMENTS as ID: (must show your name, current address, and be dated within 12 months)
Utility Bill
Bank Statement
Government Check
Payroll Check
Government Document
Military ID Issued by Dept. of Defense
What steps should I take to avoid COVID-19?
The Hamilton County Board of Elections encourages but doesn't require mask-wearing at the polls. You can bring your own pen and sanitizer. Polling locations will have a supply of masks, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes.
A sanitation tech at each location will clean the voting booths and equipment after each use. Each booth will be six feet apart.
More questions?
Call your local county board of elections.
Hamilton County: (513) 632-7000
Clermont County: (513) 732-7275
Butler County: (513) 887-3700
Warren County: (513) 695-1358
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