Wednesday marks the arrival of the fall equinox, bringing the first day of the season to the Northern Hemisphere.
Starting Sept. 22, 2021, the days will become shorter than the nights until the winter solstice in December, when the days become longer again.
What is the significance of the fall equinox?
Seasons are caused by the Earth's tilt and rotation, which is on an average 23.5 degree tilted axis.
As the Earth orbits elliptically around the sun, it is at its closest point in January and the furthest in July. Near the summer solstice, which typically occurs around June 21, the Northern Hemisphere is in a more direct path of the sun's energy, producing long days and shorter nights.
The Earth is at the autumnal equinox on or around Sept. 21 each year, happening Sept. 22 in 2021. This marks the beginning of longer nights than days.