
YouTube suspending President Donald Trump’s channel

so at the outset, the president of the United States is the last person in the world who could want for a platform. Uh, but recall that free speech isn't speech free from consequences. It means speech free from government consequences. And here it's a government speaker who is the actor. So when digital services take content offline that they regard is inciting violence and thereby violating their terms of service, they're exercising their own, Speech writes in saying. We don't want our users and the public at large the affected by this content, which violates our policies and arguably of law. Digital services have taken action against the inflammatory rhetoric in the past, particularly when it violated their policies against misleading the users or or otherwise creating content that was inconsistent with what the president as ah user of the service, had committed to abide by theirs. Ah, very deep policy conversation we can have about how deep into the technological stack content moderation policies like he should be implemented. But I don't think there's any question that if you make a commitment to abide by certain rules when you enter into a contract that the other party can say, Hey, you've reached that commitment and terminate the service. And so that includes an Internet user. It also includes an app that allows it's users to, uh, thio, incite violence or otherwise engage in, uh, and behavior they committed not.

YouTube suspending President Donald Trump's channel

Video above — Analysis: Twitter, Facebook moves protected by lawYouTube is suspending President Donald Trump's channel for at least one week, and potentially longer, after his channel earned a strike under the platform's policies, the company said Tuesday evening.A recent video on Trump's channel had incited violence, YouTube told CNN Business. That video has now been removed.YouTube declined to share details of the video that earned Trump the strike, but said that after the one-week timeout, it will revisit the decision.Until now, YouTube had been the only remaining major social media platform not to have suspended Trump in some fashion. Facebook has suspended Trump's account "indefinitely," while Twitter has banned Trump completely."After careful review, and in light of concerns about the ongoing potential for violence, we removed new content uploaded to the Donald J. Trump channel and issued a strike for violating our policies for inciting violence," a YouTube spokesperson said in a statement. "As a result, in accordance with our long-standing strikes system, the channel is now prevented from uploading new videos or livestreams for a minimum of seven days—which may be extended."YouTube also said it will be taking the extra step of disabling comments underneath videos on Trump's channel.Under YouTube's policies, earning a second strike will result in a two-week suspension and three strikes will result in a permanent ban.

Video above — Analysis: Twitter, Facebook moves protected by law

YouTube is suspending President Donald Trump's channel for at least one week, and potentially longer, after his channel earned a strike under the platform's policies, the company said Tuesday evening.

A recent video on Trump's channel had incited violence, YouTube told CNN Business. That video has now been removed.

YouTube declined to share details of the video that earned Trump the strike, but said that after the one-week timeout, it will revisit the decision.

Until now, YouTube had been the only remaining major social media platform not to have suspended Trump in some fashion. Facebook has suspended Trump's account "indefinitely," while Twitter has banned Trump completely.

"After careful review, and in light of concerns about the ongoing potential for violence, we removed new content uploaded to the Donald J. Trump channel and issued a strike for violating our policies for inciting violence," a YouTube spokesperson said in a statement. "As a result, in accordance with our long-standing strikes system, the channel is now prevented from uploading new videos or livestreams for a minimum of seven days—which may be extended."

YouTube also said it will be taking the extra step of disabling comments underneath videos on Trump's channel.

Under YouTube's policies, earning a second strike will result in a two-week suspension and three strikes will result in a permanent ban.

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