
Withrow assistant provides soccer cleats for needy players with assist from Moeller

Not one to watch TV, go to movies or read many books, Jim Frank was looking to volunteer for a local high school soccer program eight years ago. When Withrow High School came calling, he accepted the challenge knowing that he would be dealing with economically disadvantaged students.

The St. Xavier grad  who runs an architectural landscape design company, is involved in commercial real estate and is part of the horticultural staff of Spring Grove Cemetery, had more seeds to plant.

When Frank arrived at Withrow from his Mount Lookout residence, he quickly found out that then-coach Tyler Barrott was dealing with a roster of unique players. Most were foreign-born who fled to the United States from nations surrounded by war, violence or natural disasters. 

In his first year, only one of Barrott's players was born in America. Most were part of the English Language Learners program at Cincinnati Public Schools. The players were part of families who arrived in the U.S. with next to nothing and the players had many obstacles including transportation and equipment. 

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