
Remembering Madeira football, basketball player Vinnie Englert

Madeira's Vinnie Englert (11) takes to the air to grab a pass for the Mustangs as Indian Hill's Tre Lopez III applies the defense, Sept. 14, 2018.

MADEIRA - Another Greater Cincinnati school is dealing with the loss of a student gone too soon as Madeira is mourning the passing of 2020 grad Vincent Englert.

Vinnie, as he was known, was killed in a car accident on Interstate 71 near Pfeiffer Road Thursday evening. Friday was a difficult day on Loannes Drive. Madeira is a small Cincinnati Hills League school where bonds are tight.

"I was numb the rest of the day," Madeira football coach Chris Stewart said after hearing the news. "Everyone loved Vinnie Englert. Everyone in the school, the community. I never heard a bad word about him."

Englert was the player who would spend time with not just his teammates, but with managers and support staff. He would high-five younger kids in attendance and was even known to help his sister babysit by stopping by to play with those she was watching.

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