Michelle Branch knows she's pregnant when… she's got a craving for scones.
The 38-year-old singer/songwriter revealed Sunday on Instagram that she and her husband, drummer for The Black Keys, Patrick Carney are expecting their second child together.
"You know you're pregnant when…" Branch captioned her social media post. "Woke up to a picture my friend Sonya sent of scones she was eating in England and I immediately had to hop out of bed and make a batch myself. @officerpatrickcarney was my hero (as usual) and went to the market in search of double cream."
Branch wrote she "couldn't be more excited" to "announce baby Carney is coming early 2022!" but added she's also nervous.
"Hello, pregnancy after miscarriage anyone?!" she continued, referring to a miscarriage she experienced in December.
At the time, Branch shared on social media a recap of her 2020, writing: "Just when we were rounding third and heading home (A baseball metaphor?! I know.) 2020 was like, 'nah, I ain’t done yet.' December decided to really finish us off with a bang! No, literally. A bomb went off in downtown Nashville yesterday. And to further twist a dagger in my heart, I experienced my first miscarriage."