
The community needed it and supported it

Kathrine Nero

One look at the explosion of rainbows in stores tells you it's Pride Month.

But there’s another physical manifestation of Pride that’s not just changing wardrobes: it’s changing lives.

A drive down Pike Street in Covington takes you past bars and bakeries, ice cream parlors and the landmark Anchor Grill.

News:Pride Month events in Greater Cincinnati ?️‍?

And smack in the middle of all of that is a gray stone building, topped by gargoyles. It’s the home of the NKY Pride Center, set to officially open in July.

The NKY Pride Center is scheduled to officially open in July.

“The mission all along was to open up this space,” said Bonnie Meyer, NKY Pride Center Co-Chair.

That mission took more than a decade. NKY Pride started as a festival in 2010, and that celebration quickly grew into a discussion about a greater need.

“The group came together and said, we need a community space. We need to do more to support LGBTQ youth,” said Meyer, who’s also Northern Kentucky University’s director of LGBTQ programs and services.

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