Ohio is reopening and people are getting out again, just in time for tick season to bring everyone back inside.
According to the annual Tick Forecast by Pests.org, the Ohio River Valley's tick population is expected to see a significant increase in 2021.
Due to a warmer than usual winter, rising summer temperatures and a higher incidence of flooding and precipitation, this year's ticks will live longer in an expanded habitat.
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When the climate is warmer, ticks' hosts are more active, and thus their ability to spread grows.
Here's what to know and how to keep yourself and animals safe:
When is tick season in Ohio?
Ohio is home to three main tick varieties: American Dog Ticks, Blacklegged (deer) ticks and Lone Star Ticks. While these ticks generally stick around the entire year, according to Pest World , Ohioans should worry most from spring to mid-summer, and then again in fall, when the population reaches their highest activity levels.
How do I avoid getting ticks?
According to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , there are a few steps you can take to avoid getting ticks in the first place.
Be prepared: Know when and where to expect ticks. Wooded areas, tall grass and road edges are key spots. Stick to the centers of trails.
Even if your trip outdoors didn't feature any tick hot spots, still check yourself and your pets every time you return indoors.
Check hair, fur, clothes, gear and all areas of the body, especially between the legs, in the armpits, behind the ears, and inside the belly button.
Take a shower immediately after being outside.
Use EPA-certified insect repellant on you and your pet (but avoid ingesting it, and make sure to check with a veterinarian before spraying your pet).
Tuck your shirt and also tuck your pants into your socks and and shoes.
I have a tick. How do I get rid of it?
First, don't panic. Not all ticks carry diseases, and even if they do, the transmission window is about 36 to 48 hours. Then follow these steps from theCDC:
Remove the tick with fine-tipped tweezers and get as close to the skin as possible.
Pull upward with the tweezers at an even rate to ensure the tick's body remains compact, not breaking off into pieces. The CDC warns against using bare hands or other methods of burning the tick off, as the goal is to keep the bug intact and remove it as quickly as possible.
Clean the bite area with soap and water or rubbing alcohol.
Dispose of the tick by wrapping it carefully and putting it in a sealed container or flushing it down the toilet. Don't kill it with your fingers.
What are the chances of getting Lyme disease
In addition to being nuisances, the rising number of ticks may carry serious diseases. For example. deer ticks — also called blacklegged ticks — are the primary Lyme disease spreaders.
They are typically found in eastern and southern Ohio, but can live in any wooded area or in backyards with tall grass or leaf filter, according to the Ohio Department of Health .
As of June 1, there have been 61 recorded cases of Lyme disease in Ohio this year, with a concentration in Harrison County and surrounding counties. Anyone who spends time outdoors, from hikers to farmers to landscapers, is at risk.
The CDC estimates that 476,000 Americans contract Lyme disease each year. The risk of getting infected from a tick depends on whether you live in an area with blacklegged ticks, how long the tick has been on your skin and where you got it.
According to Johns Hopkins , anywhere from 1% to 50% of ticks may be infected with Lyme disease, depending on their original location.
How do I know if I've been infected by a tick-borne disease?
Symptoms can vary, depending on the specific tick-borne disease, including Lyme disease , Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever , anaplasmosis , babesiosis and tularemia . According to the CDC, if you experience any of the following symptoms three to 30 days after removing a tick, you may have been infected and you should call your doctor to seek treatment:
Fever or chills.
Muscle and joint aches.
Erythema migrans (EM) rash .
Heart palpitations or an irregular heartbeat.
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or loss of appetite.
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