In the past 24 hours, 72,014 people have received one vaccine dose, bringing Ohioans with one dose up to 4,056,758 people, or just under 35 percent of the state’s population. Nearly 100,000 people completed their vaccine dose in the past 24 hours, bringing those with a complete vaccine dose in Ohio to 2,554316 people or just under 22 percent of the population, the Ohio Department of Health reported.
Just over 2,000 people were hospitalized in the past 24 hours, bringing total coronavirus cases in the state t 1,037,600 cases, the ODH reported. The current 21-day case average is 1,847 cases.
Over 1,000 people remain hospitalized with COVID-19, the Ohio Hospital Association reported. Currently, 1,161 people are hospitalized in Ohio, with 262 people in southwest Ohio hospitalized. Just under 300 people are in an intensive care unit, the Ohio Hospital Association reported. In the past 24 hours, 87 people were hospitalized and 11 people were admitted to an ICU, the ODH reported.
Registration is open for free COVID-19 vaccine clinics for Ohioans 16 and older for the Pfizer vaccine and 18 and older for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Public Health - Dayton & Montgomery County is hosting three clinics scheduled for next week on Monday, Thursday and Friday.
To register, visit gettheshot.coronavirus.ohio.gov or call 1-833-4-ASK ODH (1-833-427-5634); or visit Public Health’s website at www.phdmc.org or call 937-225-6217. Those 16 and 17 must have permission from a parent or guardian who must be present during the vaccination.