
The American Rescue Plan will move a Cincinnati Police gun range out of Lincoln Heights. But where?

Federal stimulus money could silence the gunfire that has echoed through Evendale and Lincoln Heights for 70 years.

The Hamilton County administration on Wednesday proposed using $5 million of the $158 million the county will get from the American Rescue Plan to relocate the Cincinnati Police Department firing range on the border of those two towns. 

The main question now is, where?

Moving a facility residents in Lincoln Heights said sounds like a "war zone" won't be easy. 

Leaders have considered moving it next to or expanding the Hamilton County Sheriff's gun range in a rural part of Colerain Township. 

Hamilton County Sheriff Charmaine McGuffey visited the department's gun range in Colerain Twp., May 20, 2021. The 14-acre facility could soon include the Cincinnati Police Department.

The township, city, county, residents and police have yet to sign off on that move.

By the end of the year, Lincoln Heights residents hope a plan is in place to rid themselves of a gun range that has been there since World War II.

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