Today is May the 4th, known universally as Star Wars Day, where we indulge our fandom in myriad ways.
But after you’ve re-watched Episodes I-IX and binged “The Mandalorian” on Disney Plus, what next?
How about a Star Wars board game?
I was rummaging through my game cupboard and found a few vintage Star Wars games, Escape from the Death Star Assault and Hoth Ice Planet Adventure Game, made by our own Kenner Products.
That reminded me that back in 2005, for the occasion of the release of “Revenge of the Sith,” I designed a retro Star Wars board game that was beautifully realized by artists Mike Royer and Rob Warnick and published in the old CiN Weekly tabloid. (Remember that?)
So, I dug through my files and found the graphic, which we present to you once again for Star Wars Day.
Click here for a larger version, then print it out and swipe a die from your Star Wars Monopoly game.
May the Fourth be with you.
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