The Port may be interested in redeveloping the property where two shuttered motels in Sycamore Township have fallen into disrepair with fires, garbage and vagrants.
The Drake Motel and the Carrousel Inn & Suites, both on Reading Road, are in foreclosure with a court-appointed receiver handling the sites, Skylor Miller, the township’s planning and zoning administrator, said.
“While there has been some discussion that The Port may be interested in this site, I am not aware of any formal proposal from The Port regarding the sites,” he said in an email.
A spokesman for The Port, a governmental entity involved in community and economic development, said he would check into reports of the agency’s interest in the motel properties.
Pandemic changed plans
Representatives of Blue Tide Partners Hamilton of Covington, Kentucky, said when the partnership bought the properties in May 2018 that they wanted to develop housing for veterans at the sites.
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