
Paul Daugherty column on trips to Blue Ridge mountains with his son

Looking Glass Rock in Asheville, North Carolina.

Mountains don’t retire.

They wait for us. To remind us, as James Earl Jones said of baseball in the movie "Field of Dreams," “of all that was good, and could be again.’’ Mountains are timeless and resolute. They don’t change.

Occasionally in the dead of winter, my mind drifts to the Blue Ridge in summer. The meandering of the roads. The hills rolling like a woman’s shoulders. Thunder over Tennessee. Look! The sun broke through at Craggy!

Graveyard and Lookout and Crabtree and Looking Glass. And Montreat. Totems of my life.

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Enquirer sports columnist Paul Daugherty and his son, Kelly, at Crabtree Falls.

My son goes with me, every summer. (You might have heard.) He shares my passion for the shoulders. More than 20 years ago, I gave him this gift, this heirloom. He accepted it warily. He was 14, after all. That first year, we spent three days not speaking. I got home and told Kerry, my wife, “I’m not doing that again. We spoke five words combined. It was miserable.’’

“He loved it,’’ she said. Men don’t always communicate well.

Women speak in paragraphs, men in grunts. Kelly and I have accommodated this fact nicely over the years. One uh-huh is worth a thousand pictures.

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