
Cincinnati derailment: Train leaks diesel fuel

Seven cars derailed on top of the CSX Railroad bridge overtop on Gest Street in Queensgate Sunday morning.

Updated, 11:58 a.m.: No one was injured after seven train cars derailed on a bridge over Gest Street in Queensgate Sunday morning, according to officials with CSX Railroad. 

There were no crew members in the train's cab during the incident, Bryan Tucker, railroad spokesperson, told The Enquirer, adding that the train was being operated remotely. 

Tucker said the incident is currently under investigation.

Crews are continuing to work on the wreckage and Gest Street is expected to reopen late Sunday night, he said. 

Previous reporting: Seven train cars derailed on a bridge near the Cincinnati Museum Center on Sunday morning, according to a release from the Cincinnati Fire Department. 

Firefighters responded to a report of a butane leak and found the train had derailed on the CSX Railroad Bridge over Gest Street, officials said. 

Approximately 1,000 gallons of diesel had leaked from the train and onto the street below but the firefighters were able to contain the spill, officials said. 

There was no hazardous material released from any of the train cars but the Metropolitan Sewer District has activated the Millcreek Dam to prevent diesel fuel from getting into the Ohio River, according to firefighters and the Metropolitan Sewer District.

Several powerlines are also down as a result of the incident. Workers with Duke Energy, CSX Railroad, MSD and the Cincinnati Fire Department responded to the scene. 

Officials said the cleanup would take "an extended period of time" and Gest Street is now closed between Dalton Avenue and Evans Street. 

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