Zimpher did the right thing. She had no choice. Huggins had repeatedly embarrassed the university – from his players regularly landing on the police blotter to his bullying of athletic department underlings to his dumb comments to the cringeworthy video footage of his DUI arrest.
Somehow, though, Huggins twisted the narrative of him being fired to make Zimpher the enemy. There are UC fans who still curse her name, have “WV” stickers on their cars and don’t go to UC games anymore. I guess I should call them former Bearcats fans.
I had a front-row seat to Huggins as the UC basketball beat reporter for the Cincinnati Post from 2001 to 2004.
I watched him verbally dismantle his players in practice. I heard him call players a vile word that rhymes with “hunt.”
Sadly, I knew of him to use the same f-word that he used on 700 WLW. Huggins referred to a fellow beat reporter’s laptop carrying case as a “(bleep) bag.” No idea why. He thought it was funny. No one else did.